Following is a list of the Policies of Encore Dance Studio. By enrolling at Encore Dance Studio, dancers (and/or parents) agree to these policies:

Wait Quietly in the foyers. Be SAFE around the studio, inside and out!
NO mobile phones or electronic devices are to be used during classes (in extreme circumstance, this should be discussed with your teacher)
Show RESPECT. Everyone has the right to feel safe and comfortable at Encore.
Show DISCIPLINE. Do not speak over the top of your teacher. Always try for 100% effort.
Behaviour: If a child’s behaviour is distracting & disruptive to others in the class and it occurs regularly, your child may be asked not to return to classes. Please consider the teachers & other students in the class.
It is policy that students enrolled at Encore are not permitted to attend classes at any other studio which teaches dance or acrobatics.
Show RESPECT. Everyone has the right to feel safe and comfortable at Encore.
Notices: There is a noticeboard at the studio, website & facebook page, parents and students should check this regularly for news & updates.
News Letters are sent home regularly, PLEASE READ ALL MESSAGES & NOTES.
Examinations are offered to students in Tap, Jazz & Ballet in the C.S.T.D. syllabus only. Please note this will include extra costs & classes. Teachers will assess if the child is suitable for exams, please let us know if this is something you may be interested in.
Website at www.encoredancestudiobundaberg.com should be checked for news & updates. Please feel free to use the email to contact Sophie, this is the best way!
Photography of children or the Encore Dance Studio is prohibited without express written permission.
If fees are not paid by the due date, children may be asked to not participate in classes until fees are paid.
Term Fees will be emailed at the beginning of each term. Please ensure your contact details are kept up to date.
Front desk is not always attended so please send any fees in marked envelopes & any messages written in a note & place in letterbox at studio.
New enrolments may pay weekly for the first week they start as a trial basis and will then be issued an invoice for the remainder of the term.
Wear appropriate Encore Uniforms and or Pink & Black dance wear to class (taking pride in how you look means taking pride in how you dance).
Children must be collected promptly at the conclusion of their class. If children are waiting between classes they must wait quietly & remain at the studio unless parent permission given. There is a homework corner available for children to do their work.
Parents are to remain outside of the studio during classes.
Please be careful when using the driveway to drop off and collect children. At the end of classes many children leave the premises and all care MUST be taken to ensure that vehicles move at a crawl through this area. Respect for other drivers and neighbouring businesses in this area is also expected.